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Week Ending December 7, 2019:

    Justin Slattery Round of 9, Ton-80. David Opperman Round of 9. T12,T11,T10 .

Week Ending November 23, 2019:

    Kevin Kincaid Round of 9. Kyle Koch Round of 9. Doubles Cricket. Jason Derby Round of 9. Doubles Spanish. 18 17 16. Justin Slattery Ton-80.

Week Ending November 16, 2019:

    Justin Hilliker Round of 9. Steve Saale Round of 9. Derrick Jones Ton-80.

Week Ending November 9, 2019:

    Tim Steimel Round of 9. Jim Easterby T171.

Week Ending November 2, 2019:

    Eric Brock Ton-71. Doubles 501 ton 71. Kameron Messing Round of 9. Shot during Doubles Cricket. Jason Landis Round of 9. 14,13,12. Mike Tarantola Round of 9. Justin Hilliker Ton-80. Jason Derby Ton-80. Donovan O'Connell Round of 9. Ben Catrett Round of 9. Tim McCarthy Round of 9. T18,T18,T18.

Week Ending October 26, 2019:

    Alicia Ziegler Round of 9. Allie Ziegler got a round of 9 in Spanish.. Mark Teson Round of 9. Dave Dubois Ton-80. Singles Chicago. Tim Martin Ton-80. Chad Saale Round of 9. Singles Chicago . Mike Elder Ton-80. David Gajewski Round of 9. Jim Pliml Round of 9.

Week Ending October 19, 2019:

    Paul Chambless Ton-71. Dave Dubois Round of 9. Thomas Hicks Round of 9. Derrick Jones Ton-80. John Maginnis Round of 9. T20,T19,T18.

Week Ending October 12, 2019:

    Stacey Blake Ton-70 IN. Single Chicago. Mitch Budde Round of 9. Thomas Hicks Ton-80.

Week Ending October 5, 2019:

    Matt Haake Round of 9. Justin Slattery Ton-80. Joe Reape Round of 9. Mark Huez Ton-80. Jim Easterby Round of 9.

Week Ending September 28, 2019:

    Tony Matney Round of 9. Todd Tumbarello Round of 9. 19. 18. 17. . Matt Haake Round of 9.

Week Ending September 21, 2019:

    Nick O'Connor Round of 9. Jon Quesenberry Round of 9. Mark Hoeft Ton-71.

Week Ending September 14, 2019:

    Nick O'Connor Ton-80. 501. AJ Heuer Round of 9. Singles Chicago.

Week Ending September 7, 2019:

    AJ Heuer Ton-80. Matt Haake Ton-80.

Week Ending August 31, 2019:

    Eric Soar Round of 9. Matt Middleton

Week Ending August 24, 2019:

    Mack O'Neal Ton-40 in 501 singles chicago. Mark Teson Round of 9. Mark shot a Round of 9 in doubles cricket. Mike Bundock Ton-80. Ton80 bundock. Tim Britton Ton-80. Mike Elder Matt Haake Ton-71.